Tuesday, May 17, 2005

no rain

i have been in a funk lately. withdrawn a little from people and battling over my withrdrawl being a healthy introspection or a selfish avoidance. but i think that there has been some good things stirring and some residue lifting, and it doesnt hurt that i have the greatest wife in the world. needless to say things are moving again in my heart and soul. hopefully i will get to post more soon. i write this from pasadena. my wife gave me a few days away in the city which i love with some dear bros, crotty and jordo. i look forward to a day in LA tomorrow and some good down time. the drive down was nice. a pearl jam live album from mexico city(7/18/2003), that as the story goes was actually in eddie vedders posession at one time and trickled down to my cd collection. pearljam got me to the grapevine, man getting to bakersfiel takes forever it seems and then over the hill and you are in pasadena. when i say my wife gave me, it was a gift for my birthday, which is on friday, thats not a selfless plug, but my wife gives the greatest gifts. if you ask her how, she says it is becasue she freaks out about giving them and then she prays a lot and jesus speaks the perfect gift and she gives it. he is so good like that. hopefully will hit the american apparell warehouse tomorrow and amoeba records and some good food. i look forward to no rain soon, this winter has been endless with precipitation, and capp did downlowad that blind melon song the other day. i think the loss of shannon hoon to heroin was bigger than i realized at the time. i think they are a decent band that grows on you.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hitler Follow Up

this is a good post to follow the last. in the fall of 2000 i was traveling through europe with some good friends and we decided to continue east from Prague into Poland. i was mesmorized by eastern europe and blown away by krakow. it was perfect setting, gray clouds, babushkas running around, pretzels vendors, a small little sandwich shop tucked away in an alley. the owner of the shop was playing jazz on a record player and served great wine. while in krakow we couldnt pass up the chance to go to Auschwitz. i dont know what to write about the place nor do i want to think too hard about it now, but this article made me smile. allthough sometimes the opposite of Auschwitz is Zionism in some peoples eyes, i cant imagine what it is like to be a part of a race, religion, belief system, that would be eradicated for that reason and no other reason. here it is.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Asked for his abiding memory of Hitler 60 years on? He pauses at first, then says simply:

"He was a terrible creation. Yes, a being, but a being full of evil and cruelty... he was a monster."

this was pulled from an article about Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven, 91, who is one of the last living eyewitnesses to Hitler's final days. lots of people refer to Hitler and then immediately say, yah but he was a genius. maybe he was but this spekas of someone who hung with the man who knew him.