Friday, September 30, 2005

To Michael,

thanks for your comments. i am not great at rereading old posts for new comments and dont notify myself when there are comments posted form past posts. also i am not great at and timid of assuming too much from a post or comment on the blog. i am sorry that you felt so slighted by my post on the vita-mix and retreat, this was not my goal to do this. as was mentioned earlier the post was posted 2 days before the reality of what was happening with the levees and other chaos in the gulf coast area actually went down. there are hurricanes constantly in the gulf coast is what i hear talking to people who are form there, so many hurricanes that they have a season with a start and end to it. i feel as if you jumped to a huge assumption of me and my requests for prayer. the last three years of my life have been hard. i am newly married and am trying hard to figure out what it means to holistically live in the kingdom of God. trying to listen to Jesus' voice amongst all the other voices that would contend for my ears. i have succeeded and failed at this at different times. this was one of the first times that my wife and I had set apart uninterrupted time to go and listen together. this doesn't happen often enough as there is an unhealth in the western Christian world of going and going until explosion, burn out or somehting crashes down. there are some healthy people out there, but for the most part i would say there are a lot of people who have pressed on and lost sight of Christ. therefore a retreat was something that I was looking forward to. there was a "storm" in me that was unsettling and reaking destruction. there was a dryness that was not of Christ. there was separation from his word and spirit. there was sin that was unconfessed. i needed to deal with this in a retreat setting. i didn't feel called to pack up and go to New Orleans. this doesnt trivialize their tragedy at all. i feel called to listen and be a brother and friend to those who he brings my way. i would hope that that we as followers of CHrist who desire to live in the kingdom would begin to live daily lives that are in surrender to prayer, worship and service. if people who dwell in His kingdom, begin to do this then the catastrophic will not be as epic and the normal injustices of the day to day that we witness and are a part of will begin to subside. in good or in bad we look for the empires. we desire to be a part of the largest relief effort in the history of the world and will neglect our neighbor whose pain is so great that they are at the point of taking their life. we will respond without love to people who randomnly visit a blog in search of hope. i was hurt by your comment as was my wife. somehting that we were looking forward to for some time and needed was rendered pointless in your eyes. michael you have hit the nail on the head and have witnessed something gross. a group of people who love the same God and will tear eachother down with more concern for their template than they will for anything else. hurt is deep. hurt is present in each and then pride rears its head and gives legs to the sin we try so hard to fight. sorry michael. i now know you more. you are no longer a random passerby from so cal named michael. you are a person who has experienced great pain and loss who is looking for hope. you are a person who has been hurt by people who love Jesus. you are a person who i will pray for. my email is if you have any further thoughts. thanks for your words ben p. we are all the "refuse of the world" scum of the earth. maybe we will begin to live that way, and be regarded as such.

When he was gone, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will glorify the Son in himself, and will glorify him at once."My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come."A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

and i choose three times or more to live before the roosters crow

pretty disgusting. very little humility and love have been displayed or written about in this little blogsphere. sorry for having played the game. i think at times we all sit behind the large green cloak and love to be wizard. we are right no matter what we post, comment, blog or email. the only one who sees us write it is us. redeem it Lord. give me a passion for some india ink and linen paper.